Quality of life prognosis in patients with somatoform disorders with sleep disorders
somatoform disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, quality of life, alexithymiaAbstract
In recent years, the impact of psychotraumatic factors has been increasing, leading to an increased prevalence of psychogenic disorders. Patients with somatoform disorders place a significant burden on the healthcare system. Depending on the diagnostic approach, the prevalence of somatoform disorders ranges from 0.8% to 34%, with nearly half of the patients experiencing sleep disorders. The study aimed to determine the quality of life in patients with somatoform disorders combined with sleep disorders and to identify factors influencing its formation. A total of 120 individuals with somatoform disorders combined with sleep disorders were examined. A comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition was conducted, including clinical-anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological, and psychodiagnostic examinations, supplemented by the use of psychometric scales (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Beck Depression Inventory, Insomnia Severity Index, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Integrative Quality of Life Questionnaire, and Spielberger Anxiety Scale). It was found that only 51 out of 120 patients who completed the study had a sufficient level of quality of life. Patients with sufficient quality of life demonstrated lower levels of depression, insomnia severity, and quality of life and its components, but higher levels of personal anxiety. Analyzing categorical indicators, significant differences were also identified in the presence of depression, anxiety, alexithymia, and severe insomnia. As a result of the study, it was established that predictors of quality of life are the severity of sleep disorders and the presence of alexithymia and severe insomnia before the start of treatment. The multiple logistic regression model demonstrated the highest discriminatory ability (AUC 0.872 (95% CI 0.799–0.926)), with predictors of insufficient quality of life including sleep latency, personal anxiety, and depression before the intervention, as well as the presence of severe insomnia after intervention. The combination of these predictors increases the chances of having a low quality of life level by 17.6 times. The study’s results served as the basis for developing individualized therapeutic and corrective strategies in sleep disorders treatment in patients with somatoform disorders and sleep disturbances.
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