Effect of frequent consumption of alcohol on the state of skin and general health state of males.


  • A. D. Dyudyun
  • N. Yu. Reznichenko




males, alcohol, state of skin, homeostasis


The objective of the study was to determine the effect of frequent consumption of alcohol on the state of skin and general health state of males. 197 males aged 45-64 years have been examined. They  have been divided into subgroups depending on the frequency of alcohol consumption. Questioning of the males, assessment of skin state, investigation of skin microflora, oropharynx, feces, levels of sexual and gonadotropic hormones, state of lipid metabolism has been performed. The negative impact of alcohol abuse on the skin and homeostasis of the organism has been proved. Worsening of skin state has been revealed in males who frequently drink alcohol as compared to individuals who do not abuse alcohol. The trends towards violations of skin microflora, that of oropharynx, feces, changes of testosterone levels, luteinizing hormone, accelerated formation of androgenic deficiency, changes of lipid metabolism, blood pressure increase have been identified in males who often drank alcohol. Alcohol abuse is considered as one of the risk factors of accelerated aging of the whole body and skin in particular.

Author Biographies

A. D. Dyudyun

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Regional Dermatovenerology Dispensary
Department of skin and venereal diseases
Bajkal's'ka st., 9 a, Dnipropetrovsk, 49074, Ukraine

N. Yu. Reznichenko

CI «Zaporizhzhya Regional Dermatovenerology Clinical Hospital»  
of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council


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How to Cite

Dyudyun AD, Reznichenko NY. Effect of frequent consumption of alcohol on the state of skin and general health state of males. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2015Mar.16 [cited 2024Dec.27];20(1):98-103. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/40315

