The clinical condition and functional performance of the heart in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion.
persistent atrial fibrillation, electrical cardioversion, hemodynamicAbstract
Atrial fibrillation (AF) - one of the most common cardiac arrhythmia, which leads to increased mortality, increased risk of stroke, heart failure, worsening of quality of life. The aim of the study was to examine the clinical condition and hemodynamic performance of the heart in patients with non-valvular persistent AF before and 6 months after the restoration of sinus rhythm by electrical cardioversion (ECV). According to the study, it was found that the major diseases against which persistent AF is diagnosed: hypertension (87.7%), obesity (60.5%) and a combination of these diseases (33%). Hold of sinus rhythm within 6 months after ECV is accompanied by a significant improvement in clinical condition: the number of patients with significant dyspnea (scale MRC=3) has decreased (12% of patients versus 34% at the time of the ECV) (p <0.01), dyspnea (scale MRC=1) - 22% of the patients (p <0.05). Heart failure III FC remained only in 10% of patients versus 28% t the time of the ECV (p <0.05). Long-term preservation of sinus rhythm improved atrial function: ejection fraction LA increased by 25.8% (p <0.01), RA by 18% (p <0.05), decreased volume of indexed parameters in systole (LA - 21.3 %, RA - 26.4%) and diastolic (LA - 12.4%, RA - 21.6%) (p <0.001). Contractile function of the left ventricle improved: ejection fraction increased by 14.3%, SV - 13.7% (p <0.001), diastolic volume decreased by 20.7% (p <0.01). Despite optimal medical therapy, clinical status and cardiac hemodynamic parameters in patients with recurrent AF have not improved.
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