Spatial-temporal characteristics of the diseases as a tool of management of public health formation.


  • O. V. Berdnyk
  • O. P. Rudnytska
  • O. V. Dobrianska



dynamics of morbidity, prognosis of morbidity, preschool age children


Spatial-temporal characteristics of the population’s morbidity and prognosis of the situation are the main conditions for substantiation of the management decisions directed at the optimization of public health formation. Determination of the tendencies of morbidity 6-years children of during 1972 – 2014 years and their prognosis levels was the aim of the study. The analysis of morbidity based on the preschool institution’s health documents involved both temporal (42-years period of time) and spatial (different ecological districts) assessments. The negative changes in older preschool age children’s health have been revealed: growth of total morbidity, prevalence of respiratory diseases, inflammatory diseases of the eye. The higher levels of morbidity are registered in the districts located near the highways of the city. It testifies to the negative influence of transport-related air pollution on the children’s health formation. The estimation of prognostic levels (till 2020 year) showed future growth of diseases prevalence etiologically linked with air pollution. 

Author Biographies

O. V. Berdnyk

SI «O.M. Marzyeev Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology NAMS of Ukraine»
Popudrenko str., 50, Kiev, 02660, Ukraine

O. P. Rudnytska

SI «O.M. Marzyeev Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology NAMS of Ukraine»
Popudrenko str., 50, Kiev, 02660, Ukraine

O. V. Dobrianska

SI «O.M. Marzyeev Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology NAMS of Ukraine»
Popudrenko str., 50, Kiev, 02660, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Berdnyk OV, Rudnytska OP, Dobrianska OV. Spatial-temporal characteristics of the diseases as a tool of management of public health formation. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2016Mar.9 [cited 2024Jul.2];21(1):123-9. Available from:

