Analysis of international legislative documents that regulates ambient air quality.
ambient air pollution, conventions, directives, healthAbstract
Today Ukraine signed and ratified three major conventions and accepted six EU Directives concerning the ambient air quality that is safe for human health. In these documents risk assessment methodology for public health is considered as the most effective management instrument. To improve the efficiency of transposition of international legislation in ambient air quality regulating, the following primary measures should be taken: to estimate lower and upper limit of air pollution danger assessment for public health and to put the method of assessment in dependence of ambient air quality; to ensure the application of risk assessment for public health at determining risk zones and agglomerations throughout the whole territory of Ukraine; to establish the interconnection between different methods of measurement; to take as a base principle of preparation of local, regional and national plans assessment of improvement of ambient air quality basing on probability approach; to promote the development of information systems evaluating ambient air quality and public health using the list of health indicators.
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