Hygienic estimation of working conditions safety in technologic cycle of application of combined fungicide-mordant, based on tebuconazole and metalaxyl-M on cereal crops.


  • N. V. Kondratiuk
  • A. V. Blagaia




fungicide-mordant, working conditions, cereal spiked grain crops, professional risk


The article raises the issue of hygienic approach urgency in assessment of safety of combined fungicides used on cereal spiked grain crops for professional contingents. Hygienic research of working conditions of the staff, involved in the pre-sowing treatment and sowing seeds of cereal spiked grain crops treated with a fungicide preparation containing two active substances – tebuconazole and metalaxyl-M was carried out. Content of active ingredients in the working zone air during seed treatment and sowing, as well as in stripes on protecting gear and swabs from bare skin areas of the involved personnel was determined. Calculations of professional risk of combined fungicide-mordant application for the personnel were made in case of inhalation and dermal routes of exposure to pesticidal product.Degree of safety for the personnel was determined, if proposed regulations of the pesticidal product application follow the rules. The proposed regulations are approved by the State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine and included in the developed manual on the safe application of the pesticidal product.

Author Biographies

N. V. Kondratiuk

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peromohy ave., 34, sanitary and hygienic building, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

A. V. Blagaia

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peromohy ave., 34, sanitary and hygienic building, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kondratiuk NV, Blagaia AV. Hygienic estimation of working conditions safety in technologic cycle of application of combined fungicide-mordant, based on tebuconazole and metalaxyl-M on cereal crops. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2016May31 [cited 2024Jul.27];21(2):121-6. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/72291

