Features of burnout syndrome development in healthcare workers with different types of work motivation.


  • T. A. Vezhnovets
  • V. D. Pariy




burnout syndrome, healthcare workers, types of work motivation


The article presents the results of researches of peculiarities of burnout syndrome formation in healthcare workers with different types of work motivation. It is discovered that the syndrome is formed for each motivational type as mechanism of psychological protection against the action of certain stressful factors, namely: for instrumental type – an excessive concentration on obtaining material rewards; for professional type – an excessive control of emotions in substantial professional communications and high psycho-emotional overload; for patriotic type – high level of dependence on social approval, a high level of communicative activity, a high level of psycho-emotional overload, for economical type – distrust, for lumpenized – any labor. Prevention of burnout syndrome in healthcare workers has to be realized taking into account peculiarities of psycho-traumatic factors depending on the type of work motivation.

Author Biographies

T. A. Vezhnovets

Bogomolets National Medical University
Department of Health Management
Yakubovskogo Str., 6, Kyiv, 03191, Ukraina

V. D. Pariy

Bogomolets National Medical University
Department of Health Management
Yakubovskogo Str., 6, Kyiv, 03191, Ukraina


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How to Cite

Vezhnovets TA, Pariy VD. Features of burnout syndrome development in healthcare workers with different types of work motivation. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2016May31 [cited 2025Feb.7];21(2):127-32. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/72292

