



economic security, enterprise economic security, approaches for determining the economic security essence, a subject of economic activity, classification features of economic security


The subjectmatter of the study is determining the essence of economic security. The aim is to systematize the approaches to the interpretation of the concept "enterprise economic security". The immediacy of the study is motivated by the lack of consistency, co-ordination and common views on the discourse in this area, as well as insufficiently substantiated offers for implementing modern methods and models of economic security management at all levels of economy. At the same time, despite a large number of publications, there remain many unsolved problems in the management of economic security, which is the main component of protection against threats, both at the state level and at the level of business entities such as enterprises and organizations. The following methods of theoretical and empirical research were used: logical generalization – to substantiate the relevance of the topic, the goals and objectives of the study, to determine the essential features of the problem; analysis and synthesis – to describe the theories of economic security. Economic security of an enterprise gives rise to a company’s capability to develop, increase its competitiveness and the competitiveness of its products, sustain its position on competitive markets, and characterizes the strength and economic potential of enterprises to counteract the negative impact of the external and internal environment. At the same time, the company’s economic security mirrors the conditions of its protection against any threats which are achieved due to the use of existing and potential resources of the company in order to ensure its safe operation in the long run.

Author Biographies

Nina Avanesova, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit

Yevhen Chuprin, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Student of the Department of Finance and Credit


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Economic Sciences