


measure, technology, technical and economic indicators, system-information approach, discrete-probabilistic information


The subject of the research in the article are some questions of the system-information approach to the analysis of the measure of discrete-probabilistic (DP) information in economic cybernetics within the framework of the enterprise's activities relating to the calculation of technical and economic indicators, the forecasting of the output program, the technological process of manufacturing products, price policy, profitability and some others. The purpose of the study is to analyze the measures of discrete-probabilistic information assessment by managing the technical and economic indicators of production. Objectives: to develop a structural scheme of discrete-probabilistic technologies for assessing the efficiency of production; to develop a system of logarithmic technical and economic indicators of production, which allow more objective use of operational information of the production process; to solve the problem of forecasting the necessary material resources for launching new products into production, their production time and cost, before developing technological documentation. Methods are used. The main scientific provisions of the methodology of the system information approach include: a scientific method for calculating discrete-probabilistic information of physical quantities (parameters); a way of displaying in the form of created discrete-probabilistic models of processes and systems that embody the method and method (computer technologies); process of realization of measurement of controlled parameters, collection, storage and processing of information. The following results are obtained. The structural scheme of discrete-probabilistic technologies for assessing the production efficiency is defined, which determines the hierarchy of computer-integrated technologies of metrological support, based on the discrete-probabilistic information of the monitored parameters of the product CD, technological equipment and technological process. A system of logarithmic technical and economic indicators of production has been developed, which makes it possible to more objectively evaluate and effectively use the operational information of the production process; to solve the problems of forecasting the necessary material resources for launching new products into production, their production time and cost, before developing technological documentation. The task of forecasting at the early stages of the product life cycle is solved, which is provided by the methodology of the system-information approach, as well as the discrete-probabilistic technologies developed on its basis to provide metrological support for the evaluation of production efficiency. The developed methodology formulates scientific positions and regular connections between numerical values of discrete-probabilistic logarithmic indicators, which are possessed by technological controlled parameters and technical and economic indicators of production. This allows us to solve the problems of managing the technical and economic state of production, to solve the problems of forecasting the necessary material resources for launching new products into production, their production time and cost, before developing technological documentation. Conclusions. Discrete-probabilistic information technology assessment of technical and economic indicators of production allows you to accurately and timely and economically justify the dynamics of technical and economic indicators of production for use in the operational management of production.

Author Biographies

Игорь Викторович Руженцев, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Head of the Department of Metrology and Technical Expertise

Сергей Владимирович Луцкий, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Metrology and Technical Expertise


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Economic Sciences