


energy saving, economic mechanism, public utility companies, the economic mechanism of energy saving


The subject matter of the study is the combination of theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the development of the economic mechanism of energy saving. The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual approach to the development of the economic mechanism for energy saving at public utility companies as the theoretical and methodological basis of energy saving policy at enterprises in this sphere. While achieving the objectives of the study the following tasks were solved within the research: the current state of energy saving in Ukraine and at public utilities was analyzed; theoretical approaches for revealing the essence of the concept of energy conservation was considered; the pattern of the economic mechanism of energy saving at public utility companies was developed and its costituents were grounded. The following methods were used in the research: the abstract and logical method was used for generalizing the theory and formulating conclusions; the method of system and structural analysis was used for studying and generalizing approaches to the definition of energy saving; methods of economic and mathematical statistics were used for processing and analyzing initial data, identifying trends and patterns of the efficiency of studied factors; graphical method was used for visualizing the results of the research. According to the results of the study the following conclusions can be formulated: the conceptual approach for developing the economic mechanism of energy saving should be worked out as it is a burning issue for public utility companies. Its solution will contribute to achieving the goals of the Strategy of Sustainable Development "Ukraine – 2020" and the Energy Strategy up to 2030. The concept of energy saving was defined in the course of the study, the conceptual pattern of the economic mechanism of energy saving at public utility companies was also suggested, the constituents of the economic mechanism of energy saving was revealed, which creates a theoretical and methodological basis for developing energy saving policy at public utility companies.

Author Biographies

Olesia Solodovnik, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit

Kateryna Dokunina, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Credit


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Economic Sciences