


information technology, multi-agent model, information systems, database, distance learning, life cycle of a student knowledge system


The subject matter of the article is the development of models for organizing and managing a complex organizational system considering the organization and management of distance learning as an example. The goal of the article is to create a set of models that will enable highlighting the interaction among the subjects of the educational process in the context of distance learning as well as between the subjects and objects of this process. The following tasks were solved in the article: the concept of information technology of the organization and management of distance learning was developed, information support was created (a model of the social mandate for distance learning, a multi-agent model, a model of the life cycle of a student knowledge system, a model for finding optimal cycles of the learning process with forced interruptions); a conceptual data model (database schema) was developed to support the information resource model; practical recommendations for improving information systems for organizing and managing distance learning in the context of higher education were developed. The following results were obtained: the topicality of the scientific task was analyzed, whose key point is to improve the efficiency of the operation of complex organizational systems using structured information resources that are implemented as distance learning platforms; built a social order model for distance learning; a multi-agent model for the social mandate for distance learning was built; a model of the life cycle of a student knowledge system was built; a model for finding  optimal cycles of the learning process with forced interruptions was built;  a conceptual data model to support the information resource model was built. Conclusions. The constructed multi-agent model of distance learning enables highlighting the interaction among agents (subjects) of the educational process and can be used as an infological support for the information technology. The developed database scheme enables storing all the necessary information to manage the process of distance learning and handle this information.

Author Biographies

Мурад Анверович Омаров, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Vice Rector

Вюсаля Худаширин Мурадова, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences


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Economic Sciences