


organizational changes, external environment, corporate vision, coordination mechanism, decentralization


The subject of the study is the methodological foundations and practical aspects of the organizational change management process. The goal of the work is to improve methodological foundations and to develop practical recommendations for the formation of the totality and sequence of actions in the process of managing organizational changes, taking into account the influence of environmental factors. The following tasks are solved in the article: matrix analysis of the main provisions of approaches to organizational change processes; the formation of a methodological approach to the process of managing organizational change, taking into account the influence of environmental factors of the organization. The following methods are used: the method of cognition, theoretical generalization and comparison; system analysis and synthesis method, graphic modeling method. The following results were obtained: in order to improve the existing approaches proposed by well-known scientists, a matrix analysis of the main provisions of the approaches to the processes of organizational change was carried out, the weakness of the existing approaches was determined, namely: the lack of a sequence of actions in the process of implementing organizational changes in accordance with the existing type of external environment; the authors formed a methodological approach to the process of managing organizational changes, taking into account the influence of environmental factors of the organization. Conclusions: The developed methodological approach is applicable regardless of wherever the organizations are located, no matter what technology systems they have, no matter how long they are on the market of goods or services. This approach is structured in stages and allows, subject to timely and qualitative assessment of the influence of environmental factors, determination of its type, the dominant coordination mechanism in the organization, the principle of grouping and the degree of vertical and horizontal decentralization, make a decision on the implementation of transformations, and management of planned organizational changes. The application of this approach allows organizations to form the basis of organizational changes and successfully implement a common vision of change in practice.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Andrieieva, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD (Economics Sciences), Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration

Olha Hetman, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD (Economics Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration

Dina Tereshchenko, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration


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