Automation of the technological process of forming details with straight rifts




automation of the technological process; simulation of the main stages of the process and equipment operation modes; automatic control system; frequency characteristics.


The subject matter of the article is technological line for the production of thick sheet parts with rifts, made of structural and special steels. The goal of the work is analysis and creation of methods of managing basic technological operations at all stages of the technological process of the automated production of such parts. The following tasks were solved in the article: formation of models of the main stages of forming parts with rectilinear rifts and control of dynamic properties of selected systems of their implementation. The following methods used are – methods of numerical integration and numerical methods of solving differential equations; analytical solution of differential equations based on the Dahlembert principle or by using the Lagrange equation; frequency analysis of transfer functions of individual links, presented in the form of fractional-rational functions. The following results were obtained – constructed in the first approximation the composition and sequence of the main operations of the generalized technological process of the automated production of thick-walled sheet parts with rifts; according to the results of the analysis of the process of elastic-plastic change of the shape of the region with many connections, the input and output parameters necessary for building a control model of the specified process were determined; it is determined that for its implementation it is necessary to ensure free deformation of at least 0.25 % of the rift surface area outside of contact with the forming tool, and the necessary technological methods for this are proposed; proposed variants of the technical implementation of the selected technological methods; the results of modeling schemes and modes of operation of the necessary technical equipment are presented. Conclusions: The application of the proposed structure, composition and sequence of main operations of the generalized technological process of the automated production of thick-walled sheet parts with cracks, based on its implementation by the selected methods on the proposed equipment, will allow to ensure the effective management of the quality of the production of the specified parts at each stage of the technological process.

Author Biography

Denis Mospan, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Phd (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics


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How to Cite

Mospan, D. (2023). Automation of the technological process of forming details with straight rifts. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (3(25), 163–173.