Audio signal transmission method in network-based audio analytics system




audio analytics; audio signal transmission method; traffic management; virtual routes; delay


The subject matter of the article is аudio signal transmission method in network-based audio analytics system. The creation of a network-based audio analytics system leads to the emergence of new classes of load sources that transmit packetized sound data. Therefore, without constructing adequate mathematical models, it is impossible to build a well-functioning network-based audio analytics system. A fundamental question in traffic theory is the question of load source models. The development of an method for transmitting audio signals in a network-based audio analytics system becomes necessary. Based on this, the goal of the work is to create methods an method for transmitting audio signals in a network-based audio analytics system to ensure efficiency and accuracy in audio analytics. The following tasks were solved in the article: the formation of a model for the system's load sources, investigation of connection and traffic management, implementation of control and traffic monitoring functions in the network, research of methods to ensure the quality of audio signal transmission and the development of a method of transmitting an audio signal by virtual routes switching. To achieve these goals, the following methods are used: mathematical signal processing, data compression algorithms, optimization of network protocols, and the use of high-speed network connections. The obtained results include modeling of the system's load sources, examination of connection and traffic management, investigation of methods to ensure the quality of audio signal transmission and a method of transmitting an audio signal by virtual routes switching was proposed. In conclusion, the possibilities of using simulation modeling of nodes in the network-based audio analytics system are highly limited. This is explained by the fact that the acceptable level of information loss in data centers is very low. The use of the developed method enables effective control and processing of sound information in real-time. This method can find broad applications in various fields, including security, healthcare, management systems, and other industries where the analysis of audio signals is a crucial element.

Author Biographies

Anton Poroshenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Computing Machines

Andriy Kovalenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Phd (Computer engineering), Professor at the Department of Computing Machines



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How to Cite

Poroshenko, A., & Kovalenko, A. (2023). Audio signal transmission method in network-based audio analytics system. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (4(26), 58–67.