Models of digitalization of hr management systems in security-oriented organizations




digitalization; automated communication; government agencies; HR management; security-oriented systems.


The subject matter of the article is the study of operational processes of digitalization of HR-management of security-oriented systems in the current changing situation of our country. The goal of the work is to study the indicators of effective communication between employees and determine the number of potential communication channels, as well as to study automated communication between the personnel of security-oriented systems. The following tasks: formation of a centralized model for managing the operational processes of HR management of security-oriented systems, unlocking the potential of personnel in the digitalization of personnel processes of security-oriented systems. The methods are used: methods for implementing the continuous development of security-oriented systems, a centralized model for managing the operational processes of HR management of civil protection and an end-to-end process of automated HR communication within government agencies are developed and presented. The following results: determination of the number of potential communication channels, a graph of the number of stakeholders, a picture of the end-to-end process of automated HR communication within government agencies, a centralized model for managing HR operational processes of security-oriented systems, and the potential of personnel in the digitalization of HR processes. Conclusions: the driving forces behind the digital transformation of government agencies include meeting the expectations of the staff, digital transformation of the HR industry, and digital innovations in the civil service. Areas of digital transformation of HR management in security-oriented systems include a digital workplace (online employee profile), digital HR processes of the organization, digital services and online self-service of personnel. Among them, the digital HR process mainly focuses on training and development, open and effective communication within the civil service, and personnel evaluation functions. The digital transformation will lead to certain consequences, such as parallelization and transition between the old and new HR management systems, and will affect the productivity and digital ethics of the state.

Author Biographies

Khrystyna Matkivska, Lviv State University of Life Safety

adjunct full-time education

Oleh Zachko, Lviv State University of Life Safety

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Law and Management in the Field of Civil Protection, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Matkivska, K., & Zachko, O. (2024). Models of digitalization of hr management systems in security-oriented organizations. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (1 (27), 204–214.

