Ensuring quality indicators of photopolymer 3D printing by using mathematical modeling and test models
3D printer; additive manufacturing; photopolymer printing; regression analysis; test models; mathematical analysis; research.Abstract
The subject of the research in the article is the analysis of the influence of technological parameters of photopolymer printing on the appearance of defects in the printing process. Test models for analysis are used, which contain elements that are affected by changes in technological parameters. The purpose of the work is to determine the dependence between the technological parameters of photopolymer printing and the defects that arise because of printing using models for testing. The article addresses the following tasks: analysis of existing test models and determination of model elements and the influence of technological parameters on them. The methods used for the research are mathematical analysis in the form of univariate linear regression and the empirical method. This method consists in comparing and measuring the difference between individual test samples to obtain values that will later be used in regression analysis. The following results were obtained: the dependence of technological factors and their influence on the elements of the test model was determined, which consists in changing the physical dimensions of the test models. With insufficient exposure time, the dimensions of the model are reduced, and defects are created. When the exposure time increases, the dimensions of the model increase linearly, defects appear in the form of holes disappearing or their sizes changing. Conclusions: because of an experimental study, which consists in printing test models and their analysis with the help of linear one-factor regression, the dependence between the exposure time and the physical dimensions of the model was determined and confirmed. Then a method of studying the correspondence of dimensions depending on the exposure time using test models was proposed and mathematical modeling in the form of regression univariate analysis. In the following, it is proposed to determine the influence of the layer height on the exposure time. Further, it is proposed to determine the significance of individual technological factors among themselves and their influence on the defects obtained because of printing. Building a regression analysis model, determining the correlation of technological parameters and their influence on quality indicators. Determination of the coefficient of determination of the constructed model.
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