A model for forecasting the volume of the entertainment services market under non-determinative conditions





autoregression; film industry; subscription pricing model; forecasting; entertainment market.


The subject matter of the article is the theoretical-methodical and applied principles of modelling and forecasting indicators of the market volume of entertainment services. The goal of the work is to find a mechanism that will allow determining the volume of subscribers, taking into account exogenous variables, especially during socially unstable situations, such as a pandemic, war, cataclysms, etc. The following tasks are solved in the article: formation of criteria for companies for which the created mechanism is planned to be applied; review of basic autoregression models; determination of factors that should serve as an external influence when predicting the number of subscribers; creation of a multi-criteria choice problem; conducting experiments according to the proposed methodology to test the proposed hypotheses and systematize the obtained results. The following methods are used: analytical and inductive methods for forming factors of external influence and description of target companies; expert evaluation method for determining the most influential external indicators; experimental method, statistical methods of processing time series and methods of multi-criteria evaluation to determine the most effective autoregression model. The following results were obtained: the factors of external influence were formed: As external variables, it was decided to choose: the dynamics of the incidence of coronavirus, the rate of change in the global gross domestic product, the change in the S&P500 index, and the news from the world's largest news agencies converted into numerical form; a set of criteria for comparing models was created, saving forecasting time, accuracy, the possibility of taking into account external influence and the specificity of taking it into account; it was determined that the most accurate model is autoregression of the moving average, which at the same time is the most effective model given the created problem of multi-criteria selection; the similarity of the obtained results of experiments with global and domestic research is established. Conclusions: the use of analytical and inductive methods in combination with an experimental approach made it possible to obtain an effective (with an accuracy of more than 95%) mechanism for forecasting the market volume of companies that operate in the film industry and have a signature pricing model. The obtained result will allow players with a smaller market volume not to lose their audience due to the instability of the external environment, and, accordingly, will stimulate the development of the industry in general.

Author Biographies

Nina Dovgopol, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (Economic Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security

Olena Peresada, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security

Inna Pribylnova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security


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Haslbeck, J., Bringmann, L., & Waldorp, L. (2021), "A Tutorial on Estimating Time-Varying Vector Autoregressive Models". Multivariate Behavioral Research, No. 56 (1), P. 120–149. DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2020.1743630

Afanasieva, I., Golian, N., Golian, V., Khovrat, A., & Onyshchenko, K. (2023), "Application of Neural Networks to Identify of Fake News". Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (COLINS 2023): 7th International Conference, Kharkiv, 20 April – 21 April 2023: CEUR workshop proceedings, No. 3396, P. 346–358. available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3396/paper28.pdf (last accessed: 08.09.2023).



How to Cite

Dovgopol, N., Peresada, O., & Pribylnova, I. (2023). A model for forecasting the volume of the entertainment services market under non-determinative conditions. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (3(25), 129–137. https://doi.org/10.30837/ITSSI.2023.25.129

