Assessment of the quality of the labour safety management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001:2018 at the stage of operation




assessment; qualimetry; summary indicator; harmful and dangerous factors; statistical methods; labor safety management system.


The subject matter of the article is the assessment of the quality of the occupational safety management system. The goal of the article is to develop a methodology for assessment of the occupational safety management system at the stage of operation. The article solves the following task: to investigate the possibility of applying methods for analysing the dynamic characteristics of the occupational safety management system and to develop algorithms and methods for using the criteria of non-parametric statistics. Methods are used: qualimetry and mathematical statistics. The following results were obtained: an analysis of the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001:2018 was carried out to determine the need to monitor, measure and analyse the functioning of the occupational safety management system, which revealed that the effectiveness of the development and implementation of the occupational safety management system depends on the assessment methodology. An analysis of existing research and publications on the evaluation of processes, including those related to occupational safety, is carried out. The methods for evaluating mathematical systems for processing and controlling gross errors and stationarity, which are key to the analysis of occupational safety management processes, are considered. Non-parametric criteria for checking the stationarity of random processes are considered in detail. Sequences of means and means squares are compared with expected values to determine whether rejections of the stationary hypothesis are justified. The expediency of using these methods for analysing occupational safety management systems is determined. The dynamic nature of the processes and the importance of monitoring and data analysis to ensure effective safety management practices are analysed. Conclusions: The application of methods for analysing the dynamic characteristics of the occupational safety management system is substantiated and algorithms and methods for using the criteria of non-parametric statistics are developed, which allow to obtain an assessment of the system, taking into account the limited information about its indicators and the lack of knowledge of the law of their distribution as a random variable.

Author Biographies

Olena Cherniak, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy" V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy Efficient Technologies

Lina Fatieieva, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy" V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Automation

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy Efficient Technologies

Maxym Yakovlev, The Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor

Tetiana Rybalchenko, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering

Denys Zas, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering

Valerii Kuznietsov, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering


Список літератури

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How to Cite

Cherniak, O., Fatieieva, L., Yakovlev, M., Rybalchenko, T., Zas, D., & Kuznietsov, V. (2024). Assessment of the quality of the labour safety management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001:2018 at the stage of operation. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (1 (27), 226–235.

