Решение контактной задачи для плос-кости, ослабленной щелью перемен-ной ширины, в неоднородном напря-женном поле
Ключевые слова:
изотропная площадь в неоднородном поле напряжений, щель переменной ширины, контактные зоны, контактные напряженияАннотация
Дается математическое описание частичного закрытия щели переменной ширины в плоскости в неоднородном напряженном поле. Ослабленная плоскость считается упругой и изотропной. Принято, что переменная ширина щели сравнима с упругими деформациями. Взаимодействие поверхностей щели под действием неоднородного напряженного поля может приводить к возникновению зон их контакта. Контактные напряжения, возникающие между берегами щели, и границы зон контакта изначально неизвестны и находятся в процессе решения. Исследуется возникновение нескольких участков контакта берегов щели. Считается, что на площадке контакта частично возникает сцепление берегов щели, частично – их проскальзывание, при этом на участках проскальзывания имеют место силы сухого трения. Задача о равновесии щели с частично контактирующими берегами сводится к задаче линейного сопряжения аналитических функций. Решение контактной задачи получено в квадратурах
Библиографические ссылки
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Hasanov, Sh .H. Throat crack with partially contacting faces in section of the road covering. Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings. 2009. No. 2. p. 29–35.
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Mirsalimov, V. M. Simulation of bridged crack closure in a contact pair bushing. Mechanics of Solids. 2009. V. 44, No. 2. p. 232–243.
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Mir-Salim-zadeh, M. V. Modeling of partial closure of cracks in a perforated isotropic medium reinforced by a regular system of stringers. J. of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2010. V. 51. p. 269–279.
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Mirsalimov, V. M., Rustamov, B. E. About partial closing of crack-like cavity in the burning solid fuel. Deformatsiya i Razrushenie materialov. 2010. No. 12. p. 23–27.
Hasanov, Sh. H. Modelling of the stress-strain state of the roadway covering at presence of small cracks with interacting crack faces. Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State. 2010. No. 1(7). p. 25–30.
Mirsalimov, V. M., Rustamov, B. E. Simulation of partial closure crack-visible cavities in burning solid fuel under the influence of body forces. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2011. V. 11, Issue 1. p. 70–73.
Mirsalimov, V. M., Vaghari, A. R. Partial crack closure in a perforated body with heat release. Materials Science. 2012. V. 47, Issue 6. p. 757–763.
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Mirsalimov, V. M., Rustamov, B. E. Partial closure of a crack-like cavity in an isotropic medium. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2012. V. 41, Issue 5. – p. 398–403.
Mirsalimov, V. M., Rustamov, B. E. Simulation of partial closure of a crack-like cavity with cohesion between the faces in an isotropic medium. J. of Applied Mechanics and Technical physics. 2013. VТ. 54, №6. p. 1021–1029.
Mirsalimov, V.M. Partial closing of cracklike cavity in isotropic medium. Deformatsiya i Razrushenie materialov. 2013. No. 1. p. 16–20.
Mir-Salim-zada, M. V. Contact problem for stringer plate weakened by variable width slit. Fundamental and Applied Problems of Engineering and Technology. 2014. No. 2(304). p. 23–29.
Mirsalimov, V. M., Mustafayev, A. B. Exact solution of contact problem for partial interaction of width variable slit faces at temperature field action. Problems of mechanical engineering. 2014. V. 17, No. 3. p. 33–37.
Mirsalimov, V. M., Mustafayev, A. B. Partial contact of surfaces of curvilinear crack in a plate element under action of local thermal field. Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State. 2014. No. 1(19). p. 37–51.
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Mustafayev, A. B. Interaction of variable width slit faces under strip (beams) bending and influence of temperature field. Mechanics of machines, mechanisms and Materials. 2014. No. 3(28). p. 30–36.
Mustafayev, A. B. Retardation of growth of curvilinear crack with end plastic zones using induced heat field of stresses. Fundamental and Applied Problems of Engineering and Technology. 2015. No. 3(311). p. 15–21.
Mirsalimov V. M., Mustafayev, A. B. Solution of the problem of partial contact between the faces of a slot of variable width under the action of temperature fields. Materials Science. 2015. V. 51, Issue 1. p. 96–103.
Mirsalimov V. M., Mustafayev, A. B. A contact problem on partial interaction of faces of a variable thickness slot under the influence of temperature field. Mechanika. 2015. V. 21. p. 19–22.
Mir-Salim-zada, M. V. Periodic contact problem for a stringer plate. Tjazheloe mashinostroenie. 2015. № 6. p. 37–42.
Mir-Salim-zada, M. V. Closing of a slit started from contour of circular hole in stringer plate. Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State. 2016. No. 1(27). p. 78–89.
Mirsalimov, V. M. Simulation of partial closure of a variable width slot with interfacial bonds in end zones in an isotropic medium. Int. J. of Damage Mechanics. 2016. V. 25. p. 266–279.
Mir-Salim-zada, M. V. Partial contact of the faces of a slot of variable width in a plate reinforced by Stringers. Materials Science. 2016. V. 52, Issue 3. p. 323–329.
Mirsalimov V.M., Mustafayev, A.B. Closure of a curvilinear crack in sheet element under influence of temperature field. Problems of mechanical engineering. 2016. V. 19, No. 4. p. 36–43.
Mirsalimov, V. M. Contact problem for interaction of faces of variable width slot with plastic deformation end zones. Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State. 2016. No. 2(28). p. 23–33.
Mirsalimov V. M., Mustafayev, A. B. Inhibition of a curvilinear bridged crack by induced thermoelastic stress field. J. of Thermal Stresses. 2016. V. 39. p. 1301–1319.
Mustafayev, A. B. Slowing down of the growth of a crack of variable width under the influence of a temperature field. J. of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2017. V. 58. p. 168–176.
Mirsalimov, V. M. A contact problem for a plane weakened by a periodic system of variable width slots. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1081286516680863.
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