Substantiation of Boundary Accelerations of Roller Forming Unit Optimal Reversal Mode According to Forth-Order Acceleration
installation, forming trolley, driving mode, drive, acceleration, cam, stepper motorAbstract
In order to increase the reliability and durability of a roller forming unit, we calculated a combined mode of the reciprocating movement of a forming trolley with the reversal according to the fourth-order acceleration with the optimal values of boundary accelerations. In determining the combined mode of the reciprocating movement of the forming trolley with the reversal according to the fourth-order acceleration with the optimal values of boundary accelerations, the criterion of the movement was the criteria action, which is a time integral with the integrand function expressing the "energy" of the unit fourth-order accelerations. We calculated the functions of changing the kinematic characteristics of the forming trolley moving from one extreme position to another, with the functions corresponding to the combined mode of the reciprocating movement of the forming trolley with the reversal according to the fourth-order acceleration with the optimal values of boundary accelerations. It is proposed that the design use a drive in the form of a cam mechanism, for which we constructed a cam profile to provide for the combined mode of the reciprocating movement of the forming trolley with the reversal according to the fourth-order acceleration with the optimal values of boundary accelerations. It is also proposed that the roller forming unit design use a drive from a high-torque stepper motor embedded into the compaction rollers of the forming trolley. The use of the specified drive mechanism in the unit leads to a reduction in the dynamic loads in the drive mechanism elements and, accordingly, to an increase in the reliability and durability of the unit as a whole. The results of the work may further be useful for refining and improving the existing engineering methods for calculating the drive mechanisms of roller forming machines both at the design stages and in real operation modes. Also, the results of the work can be used in designing or improving mechanisms with the reciprocating movement of their actuating elements.References
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Copyright (c) 2019 V. S. Loveykin, K. I. Pochka, N. A. Pristaylo, O. B. Pochka

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