Influence of Lubricating-Cooling Technological Media on Metal Destruction During Cutting



hydrogen, metal, processing, atom, proton, lubricating-cooling technological media (LCTM)


The influence of lubricating and cooling technological means on the destruction of metal during cutting is shown. It has been established that the most effective additives to lubricating and cooling technological means (LCTM) are aliphatic limiting polymers, namely polyethylene (PE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Within the framework of ideas about the chemical activation of media, as well as the accumulated experimental materials of our own research, studies have been conducted on the qualitative description of sophisticated models related to the actual microstructure of the material and quantitative measurements of metal-hydrogen systems. Various aspects of the problem of mechanical energy and hydrogen influence on the restructuring of crystal lattices and the disruption of the interatomic bonding forces arising in ultramicroscopic regions are considered.  An important problem is the model of interaction of hydrogen with the metal directly in the region of rearrangement and rupture of bonding forces between atoms. This model corresponds most adequately to the costs of opening a new surface, i.e. the final manifestation of the LCTV influence on the cutting process. The article describes the processes and phenomena that take place below the boundary of the highly deformable metal (chips) and the rest of the metal mass of the workpiece, as well as the peculiarities of the processes of transporting hydrogen from the plasma to the metal fracture zone. It has been established that in the microvolume of the material, the thermal energy produced in connection with the contact interactions of electrically active hydrogen particles with an electrically active real metal structure increases the frequency of thermal vibrations of material atoms and the probability of their rupture. Acting in conjunction with the mechanical energy, they facilitate the processes of deformation and destruction, and reduce the energy costs of cutting metal in various hydrocarbon LCTM. It is noted that the presence of hydrogen both in the chips and in the surface being treated was registered during the cutting of metal in any hydrogen-containing medium, even in water. However, the concentration of hydrogen in the metal workpiece, when the latter is processed in the medium with the addition of a polymer, is approximately two orders of magnitude higher than in the low molecular weight one. It is this fact that makes a significant advantage of LCTM with polymer additives.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr I. Soshko, Kherson National Technical University (24, Beryslavske Highway, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine)

D. Sc. (Engineering)

Viktor O. Soshko, Kherson National Technical University (24, Beryslavske Highway, Kherson, 73008, Ukraine)

Cand. Sc. (Engineering)


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