Experimental study of the formation of surface roughness of the sprayed ceramic layer on the necks of the rotor shafts of gas turbine
mineral-ceramic layer, grinding, wear, roughness, cubic boron nitride wheelAbstract
The applied sprayed coatings are absolutely new materials, which differ from the initial components by their formation history, bond nature, etc. In general mechanical engineering standards, there are no recommendations on selection of grinding modes of sprayed ceramic coatings. Therefore, at the design of grinding operations of the sprayed layers it is necessary to carry out the selection of the grinding wheel and processing modes on the basis of the conditions of the maximum productivity, economic efficiency and assurance of the required surface quality.
Therefore, the studies, aimed at technological pro-vision of quality and productiveness of grinding of the necks of rotor shafts of gas turbine, sprayed with wear- and heat-resistant mineral-ceramic coating are topical for mechanical engineering.
In the literature, referring to ceramics processing, there are no data on the processing of the sprayed mineral-ceramic layer. The ceramics were processed by wheels only on metal and organic bonds.
According to technical requirements, the necks of the shaft of gas turbine must have low values of surface roughness Ra = 0,63…0,32. This class of roughness at abrasive grinding is reached as a result of additional fin-ishing operations. Therefore, the possibilities of grinding by cubic boron nitride wheels can be applied to the full extent.
The study of regularities of the surface roughness from processing factors allows to manage the process so that steadily maintain the required roughness value.
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