Improvement of technical processes for producing cast rotor parts to increase performance characteristics of traction elecric drive
electromotor, traction drive, traction characteristics, rotor, castingAbstract
The factors, which have a significant impact on the honeycombs filling quality at casting in chill moulds of rotors of electric motors of traction drive, are analyzed, and the optimization problem of technical regimes of casting is solved. Among the main technological factors, on which the traction characteristics depend, the metal temperature before casting, duration of casting in chill moulds, vibration time are singled out. Based on the mathematical modeling and further optimization it was found that the optimum casting time is 32 s, and the chill mould vibration time is 6 min. The application of these modes in practice of rotor casting allows to minimize the probability of internal porosity formation, thus providing the best traction characteristics.
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