Calculated analytical model for determining the gas complex



performance, transport lag, gas-analytical complex


The problems of improving the performance of gas-analytical measuring complex are considered. The mathematical model of the transit time of the gas sample in the blocks and nodes of the gas circuit was developed. The circuit elements, reducing the performance were defined. Recommendations on the optimization of construction circuit of the gas-analytical system were given. During the experimental studies it was found that the theoretical calculated time of the transportation lag is always by 15-20 % less than the actual real time of the lag. It was found that the movement of real gases in the gas tubes to the GC is accompanied by the pressure loss on the corresponding sections of the gas sample transportation. The largest of all local losses for this system are the losses in valves, filters, pressure regulators, sweep and non-sweep elbows. The actual value of the transportation lag is determined by the formula, given in the pa-per.

Thus, it is possible to reduce the transportation lag time of the gas-analytical complex in the following ways: using the proposed calculation methodology for the theoretical calculation of the transport lag time and determining the circuit element, where the lag is greater, conducting the experimental studies to identify new stabilization methods of pressure and expenditure of the gas sample, optimal selection of the high-speed methods of gas analysis at the construction of gas-analytical complexes.

Author Biography

Зоя Домініковна Безрук, National Technical University of Ukraine NTU "KPI" 37 Victory Avenue, building, department NAEPS


Department of Ecological and Analytical Instrumentation


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