Comparison of physicochemical properties of nitride films produced by various reactive sputtering methods
ion implantation, condensation and ion bombardment, nitride, physicochemical propertiesAbstract
Improvement of physical, mechanical and chemical properties of thin nitride films depends on the methods of their deposition and improvement of the structure, which determines the obtained properties. In the production of nitride films, which are promising in solid-state microelectronics and instrument engineering, various reactive sputtering methods are widely used. For the solution of these problems, relatively new methods - ion implantation method (II) and condensation and ion bombardment (CIB) method, carried out on the "Bulat" in stallation are quite promising. However, films, obtained by various methods using the same initial materials, as a rule, have various characteristics. In this paper, the films of nitrides on Ti, Ta, W, Mo, Ni, Si (111) and NaCl (100) substrates were obtained by the above methods, their physical, electrical and chemical characteristics were studied. The kinetics and mechanism of build-up of the obtained film coatings were established, the growth constant was calculated. Due to the study of physicochemical properties of films, obtained by various methods it is possible to obtain film coatings with previously predicted properties.
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