Study of the emission concentrations surface incinerator "Energy"



emissions, incinerator, flue-gas analysis, gas-analytical complex


The problems of the influence of toxic emissions from the incinerator on the environment were considered. The experimental models of the emission distribution were developed. The experimental data of the studies of air pollution, depending on the wind speed, chimney height, flue gas costs, concentration of corresponding gas component in the flue gas are given. Ecological impacts of incinerators are mainly related to air pollution, first of all with fine dust, oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, furans and dioxins. Serious problems also arise from the disposal of incineration ash, which constitutes up to 30 % by weight. To prevent the increase of the air pollution level in weather conditions, poor for hazardous substances dissipation, it is necessary to predict and consider these conditions.

Among the set of source data, the wind speed and specific mass of emissions have the greatest impact on the distribution characteristics, therefore, they were selected as variable parameters in the analysis. The pollutant formation models can be used not only for calculation of surface concentrations of flue gas components, but also for the selection of the optimal chimney height in the plant design. Therefore, atmosphere pollution, depending on the chimney height of the atmosphere polluting object was also studied.

Author Biographies

Зоя Домініковна Безрук, National Technical University of Ukraine NTU "KPI" 37 Victory Avenue, building, department NAEPS


Department of Ecological and Analytical Instrumentation

Володимир Андрійович Порєв, National Technical University of Ukraine NTU "KPI" 37 Victory Avenue, building, department NAEPS

PhD, Professor,


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