Surface microhardness of stainless steel which are modified by ionic implantation


  • Виталий Викторович Гончаров Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine


ion implantation, catalyst, microhardness, ductility


The importance of the problem of applied systems synthesis with active components was established. Based on the analysis of literary sources, the optimal processing 

technology of the stainless steel carrier was chosen. The objective of this paper was formulated, and the task of investigating the mechanical properties of steel-based systems was set. The techniques of obtaining and studying samples were considered. The samples were synthesized by implanting ions of nitrogen, chromium, aluminum, titanium, molybdenum on the stainless steel. The study of microhardness and ductility of the obtained samples was conducted by the scratching method. It was shown that ion implantation as the processing technology significantly improves mechanical characteristics of the initial carrier − stainless foil. Microhardness of samples is increased (except the implant with chromium), and ductility is slightly reduced. The prospects of applying the obtained composites as working elements of catalysts, heating and electrical equipment, etc., were shown.

Author Biography

Виталий Викторович Гончаров, Institute of Chemical Technology (Rubizhne) Volodymyr Dahl' East Ukrainian National University Str. Lenin, 31, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukraine, 93009

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Technical Mechanics


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Material Science in mechanical engineering