Potential possibility and technical rationality of heat-pumping technologies application at the combined production of electric and thermal energy



heat-pump, heat-pump installation, thermal power-station, heat-electric generating plant, power efficiency, increase, waste heat, utilization


Principal possibility of heat-pumping technologies application for heat recovery of the traditionally lost low-grade heat on the thermal electric stations with the purpose of efficiency increase of the primary fuel use is considered. On the example of municipal heat-electric generating plant work during a year analysis waste heat potential suitable for the use in heat-pumps as low-grade heat is appraised. Characteristics of heat-pumps that are present in the world market and suitable for thermal power-stations waste heat utilization are considered. The credible consumers of producible heat-pumping installations heat on thermal power-stations and the simplest basic schemes are analyzed. The brought results show technical feasibility and perspective of heat-pumping direction of the thermal electric stations low-grade heat utilization and necessity of further researches realization for the ground of his technical and economic expediency.

Author Biographies

Н. Б. Чиркин, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering. AN Podgorny NAS

Candidate of Technical Sciences

М. А. Кузнецов, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering. AN Podgorny NAS

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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Heat transfer in engineering constructions