Thermoeconomic model of heat pump unit on the basis of negentropy approach to formation cost of the expected product


  • В. А. Тарасова A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Д. Х. Харлампиди A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine


negentropy, thermoeconomic model, heat pump system


A modern approach to determining the price of the desired product energy conversion system based on the use of the apparatus of  thermoeconomic which considers exergy flows as carriers of value and price of the final product connects with each stage of the transformation of exergy. The thermoeconomic analysis allows to estimate the costs associated with the consumption of resources and thermodynamic irreversibility in the production process as a whole, to identify ways to better use and conservation of resources. For this purpose a joint analysis of the thermodynamic transformations and economic indicators. On the basis of the use of the concept of negentropy has been proposed a new thermo-economic model of heat pump installation, allowing to carry out its thermoeconomic functional analysis to determine the cost of exergy destruction in each element. The cost of exergy destruction in the elements is determined from the equations of cost balances, and not by assigning it the value of "fuel" element. The proposed model allows for the first time to estimate the effect of the ratio of capital and operating expenses for the cost of exergy destruction in each element of the installation. Hence we can follow, at what stage the installation manual removal destruction exergy economically feasible due to the capital costs, and in what - at the expense of the operating costs.

Author Biographies

В. А. Тарасова, A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Д. Х. Харлампиди, A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences


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Heat transfer in engineering constructions