Modelling the water treatment process with the clarification filter with the layer of hanging up sediment



model clarification water, the task with delay, spatial model, asymptotics decision, convection-diffusion-mass transfer, perturbation


In preparation of drinking water from natural sources of centralized water supply system is used, consisting of illuminator and filter devices. These devices are compact incorporated in setting with the floating filter loading, that showed positive results. However, for today, not enough attention is paid to the development of the theory of processes of water purification by settings with floating loading, mathematical description of corresponding processes is practically absent in particular , so as, obviously in general case difficult processes can not be adequately enough described by elementary methods. Coming from it, in this work the mathematical model of water treatment is formed and analysed in the illuminator with the layer of hanging up sediment taking into account influence of dose of reagent and irreversible coagulation of impurity particles. The algorithm of the numerical-asymptotic approaching of decision of corresponding model small nonlinear spatial problem was built for systems of differential equations as "convection-diffusion-mass transfer." On this basis, a computer experiment is conducted. Calculation dependences of concentrations of  impurities, flakes and substances for making flakes in filtration flow with the aim of engineering prognostication of dependence between production inputs of filter-illuminator and the degree of efficiency.

Author Biographies

А. Я. Бомба, Rivne State Humanitarian University

Doctor of Technical Sciences

А. П. Сафоник, National University of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences



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Applied mathematics