Development of catalytic stabilized burners for implementation of high temperature processes



oxide catalysts, methane combustion, mineral fiber, catalytically - stabilized burner


This article is devoted to development and experimental investigation of catalytically stabilized burners with new design of catalyst. Two working prototype catalytically stabilized burners with directional infrared radiation are presented in this work. The main difference between this device is the catalyst unit. The first type of catalytic unit intended for use in smelting furnaces, where the operating temperatures ranging from 1000 ° C to 1600 ° C, a second type of unit - as a "light" heater. The refractory ceramic fibers "ALSIFLEX KT-1600"  were used as a catalyst carrier. The refractory spinel of chromate and aluminate magnesium was used as a catalyst. As a result of development the burners  has been achieved  improvement technological, environmental, economic  performance. Namely, has been achieved increase coefficient of efficiency up to 95% , reducing the flow of natural gas to 15% through the use of the catalyst and recovery of the exhaust gases, increase the thermal load to 55W / cm2 through the use  of refractory fiber, reducing to a minimum the content of CO and NOx, an increase in the proportion infrared radiation due to the developed surface of the catalytic unit, increasing reliability and safety of the burners for the work  on the lean-burn, reduced capital costs..

Author Biography

А. Н. Попович, Institute of Chemical Technology East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dal

Кандидат технических наук


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