Elements of the structural models of devices approximation problems for identification and control of parameters of facilities management


  • А. А. Жиленков Kerch State Maritime Technological University,
  • С. Г. Чёрный Kerch State Maritime Technological University,


elements of the structural models of devices approximation problems for identification and control of parameters of facilities management


For ships with a DC propulsion engine powered from AC voltage , and includes such elements of the system as a synchronous generator (SG), controlled rectifier, and the load in the form of electric propulsion DC induction motor, as for any autonomous system of this configuration , actual problem is the negative influence of powerful disturbing to the supply network . Taking into account the autonomy of the system described , it is necessary to take into account that the distortion of forms of currents and voltages ship directly affect the network and on the control system themselves that generate them . Due to the lack of security requirements in the scheme of the ship's power plant of neutral wire makes the system pulse shaping control power switches more critical to the observed distortions in the network in the form of network voltage unbalance on its inability to control the input and the output phase voltages SG.

To ensure stable operation of automation systems operating in the composition of these systems and to reduce the negative effects of controlled rectifier on the mains supply to ensure stable operation of the shock wave across the entire range in the presence of harmonic current and voltage values are significantly higher than the legal, given the unstable voltage level and frequency of feeding network , as well as non-uniform load on phases that due to the lack of the neutral conductor , gives unbalance current and voltage network as much as possible to improve the mains supply , in particular by improving the stability of the shock wave.


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High technologies in mechanical engineering