The problems of increase of single power of turbines of the nuclear power plants


  • Г. И. Канюк Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine
  • Л. Н. Омельченко Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine
  • Д. В. Михайский Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine
  • А. Р. Фокина Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine


The feature of work of turbines on moist steam is considered. Measures on providing of reliability and economy of running part of turbines of the nuclear power plants are analyzed. It is shown that at the number of turns of rotor 1500 turn/min the achievement of single power of turbine aggregateis possible 1000 W and higher with a substantially greater economy and reliability, what at frequency of rotation 3000 turn/min.

Author Biography

Г. И. Канюк, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy

Doctor of Technical Sciences





Power Engineering