Installation for researches of assemblies of microhydroelectric power station


  • В. Н. Дедков Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • Е. С. Агибалов Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • Ю. В. Городецкий Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine


The description of installation for researches of assemblies of the microhydroelectric power station created on the basis of hydrodynamic stands of laboratory of the hydraulic machines of Institute for mechanical engineering problems of NAS of Ukraine is presented. Power parameters of hydrodynamic stand EKS-15 and the characteristic of the modernized measuring and computing complex which provide possibility to conduct exploratory power cavitation tests of models of assemblies of microhydroelectric power station with split-hair accuracy are resulted. It allows to use the gained experimental data for verification of the program complexes modeling a three-dimensional fluid flow for the purpose of their use for working out of the new turbine settings of hydraulic machines.

Author Biography

В. Н. Дедков, Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems






Power Engineering