Spline approximation with the coupling curves by the derivatives


  • Ю. А. Раисов Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • И. В. Бычков Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine
  • Н. И. Бычков Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems, Ukraine


The article presents a technique of cubic B-spline approximation of a point-defined curves. The technique allows the coupling of splines by the first and second derivatives. This is very important in the approximation of large arrays, which often occurs in practice of numerical control (CNC). The workability of the method is illustrated by examples.

Author Biographies

Ю. А. Раисов, Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems

Doctor of Technical Science

И. В. Бычков, Podgorny Institute for mechanical engineering problems

Doctor of Technical Science





Applied mathematics