Thermal state of the rotor winding of the turbogenerator with direct hydrogen cooling
turbogenerator, rotor winding, thermal state, finite element methodAbstract
The temperature field of the rotor of the synchronous turbogenerator is investigated. The temperature distributions in rotor windings of 300 and 550-MW turbogenerators with direct hydrogen cooling of rotor winding are obtained. The transition to more power is implemented by increasing the hydrogen pressure in cooling system from 3 to 5 AT. Flow simulation of the cooling medium in the internal channels of the conductors of the rotor is carried out via a finite volume method. Direct determination of the thermal state of the rotor body is carried out via finite element method. This method was realized in the computer Solid Works environment. The thermal state of the rotor does not restrict the magnitude of the nominal power of the generator. The resource of the winding is estimated. The results of the thermal tests of 300 and 550-MW generators in the idling and short circuit are presented, which were carried out at the State Enterprise Plant "Electrotyazhmash". The maximum temperature of the rotor winding at rated speed was 74,7 °C (347,7 K) according to test results. The comparison of the calculated data and test results shows that the difference is not more than 10%.
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Copyright (c) 2015 К. А. Кобзарь, П. Г. Гакал, Е. А. Овсянникова, А. В. Третьяк

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