Эффективный метод подготовки бурого угля к сжиганию на тепловых электрических станциях


  • Владимир Александрович Кутовой National Scientific Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Ukraine


thermal vacuum plant, lignite, nanosized powder, quality and ecology


We have to move on solid fuels: shale, brown coals, as the oil and gas reserves are declining. The main application of brown coal is its use as a fuel in thermal power plants (TPP), small boilers and industrial plants. To prepare the coal for combustion, additional costs needed it’s associated with drying and grinding. Equipment for drying and grinding of coal takes a large area, and it has a high-energy consumption and metal. This is a costly process, in terms of both energy consumption and the required time of production. Furthermore, solid fuel, especially lignite, contains sulfur and nitrogen. Therefore, oxides and dioxides of sulfur and nitrogen formed during combustion, which also entails an additional burden on the environment. The development of thermal power in the modern environment requires high-quality fuel with low sulfur and nitrogen. Natural coals have high moisture and ash content, unlike liquid and gaseous fuels. The analysis of scientific, technical and patent literature has shown that there is the need to upgrade the fuel preparation processes in order to increase the efficiency of thermal power plants, reduce energy consumption of metal equipment, decreasing the sulfur and nitrogen in the brown coal, which reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere by burning it.


International Patent, a20507488 27.07.2005 UA, МПК F26B5/04; F26B23/06; F26B23/00. Apparatus for Drying of Wet Dispersed Raw Materials. / V. O. Kutovyi. – # PCT/UA2005/000051; Filling. 15.01.2005; Pudlic. 01.02.2007; Publication number W0/2007/013866. – 6p.

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Koshelnik VM Scientific - technical bases of thermal vacuum drying heat and power processes of carbon materials / VM Koshelnik, VA Kutovoy, A. Lutsenko // News natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu "KhPI." Serіya Energetichnі that teplotehnіchnі processes ustatkuvannya minutes. - 2014. - №12 (1055). - S. 142-149.

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