Improvement scheme of low-temperature separation of natural gas for fields with different pressure wells


  • Александр Леонидович Шубенко A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. П. Сарапин A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine


natural gas, dew point, low-temperature separation, technological scheme, turboexpander, compressor


The article describe technological scheme of low-temperature separation of natural gas, intended for separation of low-boiling hydrocarbons fields with wells, having high and low reservoir pressure of natural gas. Proposed method of improvement of the technological scheme to increase the pressure of low-pressure gas wells in front of devices low-temperature separation through the use of the compressor, which is driven by the turboexpander. In the turboexpander gas due to the overpressure of the gas produced from high-pressure wells, extended to gas pressure, providing the temperature of the dew point in the low-temperature separation devices. The dependence of the gas pressure of low-pressure from high-pressure wells in three gas ration three gas ratios of costs to meet the low-temperature separation of natural gas. The proposed solution allows to produce gas from low-pressure wells without the use of a booster compressor station. Determined the gas temperature after mixing, high-pressure and low-pressure flows, which is lower than the temperature of the produced gas at the wellhead, which gives an additional positive effect in the process of low-temperature separation. Shows the dependence of the gas temperature after mixing, high-pressure and low-pressure flows from the pressure of low-pressure wells in three ratios of gas flow rate.

Author Biography

Александр Леонидович Шубенко, A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of NAS of Ukraine

Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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High technologies in mechanical engineering