Solving a Direct Problem in Order to Predict Flow Conditions in Hydraulic Passages


  • А. К. Давиденко JSC "VNIIAEN" Scientific Research and Design Institute of Atomic Energy and pump engineering, Ukraine


impeller, centrifugal pump, method of hydrodynamic singularities, flow pattern, meridional flow


The present paper deals with a flow pattern along the outlet of a centrifugal pump impeller at a vaneless diffuser. The results obtained from a numerical experiment using the method of hydrodynamic singularities are compared with those previously reported for a numerical experiment using the finite element method and with the results of a physical experiment. The impeller parameters considered are as follows: specific speed factor - 100, number of blades – 7, outlet diameter – 500 mm. The characteristics of such impeller were studied in 1970 in VNIIAEN by Timshyn A.I, Cand. Eng. Sc., using an air test bench at rotational speed n = 2200 rpm. The numerical flow calculations were performed using the method of hydrodynamic singularities on the basis of a model of potential three-dimensional flow of an ideal fluid. For the hydrodynamic singularities a vortex frame was taken, so that the system of the latter defines the entire flow surface from the inlet section up to the outlet section. The results for dimensionless meridional velocities at the impeller outlet obtained from the numerical experiment using the hydrodynamic element method are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the finite element method and the physical experiment. Generally, the method of hydrodynamic singularities enables adequate simulation of a flow macro-pattern in hydraulic components of hydraulic machines being less resource-demanding in the general case as compared to the finite element method.

Author Biography

А. К. Давиденко, JSC "VNIIAEN" Scientific Research and Design Institute of Atomic Energy and pump engineering



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Aero- and hydrodynamics in energy machines