The improvement of the gas-steam-turbine contact plant “Aquarius” thermodynamic cicle for highly effective production of the electric energy at the ukraine’s compressor stations


  • О. С. Кучеренко State Enterprise "Zorya" - "Mashproekt", Ukraine
  • Е. Н. Пожидаева State Enterprise "Zorya" - "Mashproekt", Ukraine


The power plant parametric analysis results have been presented by N.A. Dikim,  Dr.Sc., prof. of Kiev Polytechnic Institute. The power plant contains the gas-steam-turbine contact plant “Aquarius”. The steam from the recovery steam generators, which use waste heat of the outgoing gases of the gas-turbine driven natural gas superchargers of the compressor station is supply to the combustion chamber of the gas-steam-turbine contact plant “Aquarius”. The power plant gives the possibility to produce ecology clean electric energy with high efficiency.





Problem of optimization in engineering