Thermodynamic analysis issues of operating process efficiency of booster turbo-compressor packages with gas turbine drive. Part II


  • Н. И. Тертышный PAO "Sumy", Ukraine
  • А. С. Прилипко PAO "Sumy", Ukraine
  • П. В. Парафейник PAO "Sumy", Ukraine


turbo-compressor package, centrifugal compressor, exergy, exergy efficiency factor, destruction


The results of system analysis of operating process efficiency for booster turbo-compressor package (GPA) TKA-C-6,3А/77-4,37 modifications with power 6,3 MW based on gas turbine engine (GTE) of D-336 type designed by ZMBK Ivchenko Progress and natural gas centrifugal compressor (СС) designed by Sumy NPO PJSC are set out. The data on exergy loss in the package components are obtained that is the reason for its further updating. It is shown that intermediate cooling of gas in two stage centrifugal compressor allows to reduce exergy losses in compression sections, air cooling units and to provide the higher characteristics of GPA efficiency that shows higher exergy efficiency and fuel gas saving while gas main pipeline running. The technology fundamentals of operating process efficiency analysis of natural gas GPA, equipped with aircraft GTE, CC with single-stage and two-stage compression, compressing gas cooling system based on air cooling unit as well as process system and some auxiliary systems were presented in the I part of the work (see “Issues of Machine Building”, Т.18, No.4/1, 2015). The analysis of the package operating process has been made using exergy method striking mass, power and exergy balances. Exergy efficiency was used as system index of thermodynamic perfection of GPA and its components. Exergy losses were determined as two components: exergy destruction and exergy losses connected with thermal interference of analyzed component with environment

Author Biography

П. В. Парафейник, PAO "Sumy"

Doctor of Technical Sciences


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Power Engineering