Energy efficiency of cooling systems of thermal stresses the most powerful turbo units with supercritical and supercritical steam parameters of the initial


  • Д. А. Переверзев Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems. AN Podgorny NAS, Ukraine
  • Ж. А. Шелехина Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems. AN Podgorny NAS, Ukraine


Analyzed the efficiency of cooling systems of existing and future high-power turbine generators with supercritical and supercritical initial steam parameters. It is shown that such systems allow using the well established materials for the manufacture of basic bearing designs to increase reliability, maneuverability and economichnost units as a whole and its individual components in the form of sections (cylindrical wood) turbines, including termogazodinamicheskih (relative) efficiency of the main cylinder

Author Biography

Д. А. Переверзев, Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems. AN Podgorny NAS

Doctor of Technical Sciences





Power Engineering