Organization of risk management at an enterprise during the war


  • Olesia Dyuhovanets PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Business Administration, Marketing and Management SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine
  • Vitalii Erfan PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory SHEI “Uzhhorod National Universit, Ukraine
  • Yevhen Parfeniuk Master, Department of Economic Theory SHEI “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine



risk, risk management, enterprise, martial law.


The article discusses risk management, which is an important component of the successful operation of any enterprise, especially in times of war. War, as a complex and unpredictable situation, can lead to significant losses for an enterprise, including financial, human and material resources. These losses may affect the company’s operations, reputation and development prospects.
The experience of developed countries shows that ignoring or underestimating risks inevitably hinders the development of business entities and causes stagnation of the entire economy. In such challenging times, it is especially important to have a well-organized risk management system in place to minimize potential losses and ensure the continuation of production and other business activities. This article discusses the organization of risk management at enterprises during the war, and also examines effective ways to prevent and eliminate risks that will help maintain the sustainability and development of enterprises in difficult conditions.


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