On the issue of reforming the system of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine


  • Yury Holodnyk Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Justice State Tax University of Ukraine, Ukraine




state, decree, resolution, system, protection, law, freedom, authorities


During the entire period of Ukrainian independence, economic, political, judicial, and administrative reforms are constantly taking place in it. Taking into account the fact that law enforcement agencies are called to ensure the protection of citizen’s rights and freedoms, public law and order and security, protection of the interests of society and the state, accordingly, they could not affect the reform of the entire system of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. It is emphasized that many scientific works of domestic legal scientists are devoted to the issue of researching the formation and development of the law enforcement system, as well as the activities of law enforcement agencies.
However, changes in the political Olympus constantly affect the issue of the reform of the state’s law enforcement agencies. During the period of independence, from the day of the proclamation of the Act of Independence of Ukraine in 1991, until today, the reform of law enforcement agencies has undergone several stages of its reformation. The Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Approval of the Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the Reform of Law Enforcement Bodies as Part of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine for 2023–2027, issued on May 11 of this year, essentially initiated a new (modern) stage of reforming the country’s law enforcement agencies.
It was concluded that the initiated reform of the system of law enforcement agencies will largely depend on the effectiveness of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, because it is the Government of Ukraine, being the highest body in the system of executive authorities, that together with the relevant state bodies must develop and approve a plan of measures aimed at the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategic the plan for the reform of law enforcement agencies as part of the security and defense sector of Ukraine for 2023-2027, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Attention is drawn to certain shortcomings of the Comprehensive Strategic Plan for reforming law enforcement agencies.


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