Recovery of the economy of Ukraine after the war: problems and prospects of “green” financing


  • Mykola Karlin Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, professor at the Department of Finance (Lutsk Ukraine) , Ukraine
  • Oleh Batiuk Doctor of Legal sciences, Docent, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, professor at the Department of state security (Lutsk Ukraine) , Ukraine



consequences of Russian war against Ukraine, “green” financing, green” economy, “green” finance, public orders, European Green Course, European Union, USA, Ukraine


The peculiarities of “green” financing of the reconstruction of Ukrainian economy after the cessation of Russian aggression against our country were considered; the directions of possible financing of this reconstruction by international financial organizations and individual countries were identified; the features of implementing public orders during the reconstruction period in Ukraine were analyzed, taking into account the experience of EU countries; the peculiarities of the realization of the principles of the European Green Course and its possible influence on the financing of reconstruction processes in Ukraine were investigated.


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