Peculiarities of conducting certain investigative (search) actions during the investigation of criminal offences related to public funding of the healthcare sector in a pandemic situation


  • Yurii Kharkevych Graduate Student of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Senior Detective of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine, Ukraine



nvestigative (search) actions, interrogation, search, investigative examination, budgetary sphere, pre-trial investigation, healthcare, pandemic


The article examines the peculiarities of conducting certain investigative (search) actions during the investigation of criminal offences related to public funding of the healthcare sector in a pandemic situation. The author highlights the most important factors that influence the conduct of a search, investigative examination, interrogation of witnesses and suspects. The author identifies both specific factors inherent only in this legal status and ordinary factors inherent in pre-trial investigation without a state of emergency.
Based on the achievements of forensic scientists and the results of a survey of practitioners, an attempt is made to determine the list of documents in healthcare budget crimes proceedings in a pandemic situation that are subject to seizure during a search, as well as the specifics of their examination. The author focuses on tactical situations and combinations during the interrogation of a suspect. It is noted that there exist conflicts in the legislation that allow the suspect and the witnesses to recant their testimony without legal grounds. The article deals with the issue of maintaining a sanitary regime during the procedural actions and its impact on the preservation of trace information on objects, documents, medical equipment, etc.
International recommendations on the specifics of certain procedural actions during the quarantine regime were taken into account. All the achievements are confirmed by the results of statistical data and interviews with practitioners, as well as by the analysis of criminal proceedings in the mentioned category of offences.


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