Coronavirus pandemic as a universal catalyst of identification political processes in the states of The Associated Trio


  • Hanna Lavrynenko PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
  • Mykola Palinchak D.Sc. in Political Science, Professor, Dean of Faculty of International Economic Relations, Uzhhorod National University,, Ukraine
  • Olena Chaltseva .Sc. in Political Science, Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Poiarkova D.Sc. in Political Science, Professor at the Department of Political Science, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
  • Mykola Prymush D.Sc. in Political Science, Professor, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



pandemic, identification, globalization, civil society, universalism


The authors analyze possible consequences of COVID-19 which triggered political processes both in the states of the European Union and the states of the Associated Trio. It is noted that in current conditions, European nations will have to affirm their European status and their own self-reliance. Besides, in a new world order, during new political fragmentation, there is the probability of individual states’ enhanced roles and the discovery of new opportunities for the states of the Associated Trio. The article states that the pandemic objectively provided a convenient opportunity for the legitimization of the new world order philosophy, based on self-interest and protectionism. Because many states adopted a self-centered strategy of behavior, the issue of identifying opportunities and related political proceedings had been brought to the forefront. The authors of the article defined the main negative and positive consequences of the pandemic. Among the negative ones, the democratic regime’s weakening of competitive abilities is highlighted, which can lead to the volatility of the identification of political processes in the Associated Trio states. The possible revision of the balance of power between nations is noted as positive consequence for the Associated Trio states, which is associated with the effectiveness of response to the spread of the virus in each individual nation and the societal unity based on identification priorities.


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