Energy monitoring and control in EU member states: legislative trends and institutional framework


  • Bogdan Ostudimov graduate student of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Kaminska Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor, Department of International Law and Comparative jurisprudence of the National Aviation University , Ukraine



energy policy, monitoring, control, supervision, legislative regulation, institutional basis, energy security, guarantees


In most EU member states, there are numerous legislative initiatives and reforms in the energy sector, which are significantly interconnected and complementary, an appropriate institutional basis has also been created, that is, bodies and organizations that ensure the implementation of energy policy, among which energy monitoring, energy control (supervision), implementation of the rules and principles of the functioning of competitive energy markets are distinguished. The aim of the work is to reveal the essence, legislative framework and institutional mechanisms of energy monitoring and control in the EU member states in order to take into account the relevant experience on the way to improve the mentioned instruments in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research is a set of approaches, methods, principles of knowledge of concepts, ideas, hypotheses, students, laws, the use of which allows to obtain true knowledge about energy policy, energy monitoring and control. Their multifaceted study presupposes the application of the following basic principles of research: complexity, systematicity, historicism, objectivity, argumentation, determinism, etc. To achieve the goal, the use of dialectical, comparative-legal, historical, hermeneutic, synergistic, formal-logical, formal-legal, semantic and semiotic, model, prognostic and other methods became expedient.
Results. Unlike most EU member states, in Ukraine, numerous bodies implement state energy supervision, monitoring and control. According to the legislation of the EU member states, the concept of “energy supervision” is practically not used, except in Finland and partly in the Czech Republic. National regulators of energy markets are characterized mainly by energy monitoring, control, and management. They are established in special laws, including the French Energy Code, the Finnish Energy Agency Act, which refer to relevant EU directives and regulations. The peculiarity of Germany is the regulation of energy markets and energy supervision by various institutions, which to some extent is not consistent with EU energy legislation.
Conclusions. The general purpose of the functions of energy supervision is to ensure the functioning of energy equipment and energy markets for the implementation of the national energy policy in accordance with EU strategic acts, the observance of consumer rights regarding the choice of a profitable supplier, which will guarantee uninterrupted energy supply and competition in the energy sector. This leads to the continuation of reforms in the energy sector, improvement of national legislation, including issues of energy monitoring and control, energy efficiency, guarantees of energy security, sustainable energy development etc.


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