Directions for improving the activities of local self-government bodies in Ukraine


  • Roman Tytykalo assistant of the Department of Health Care Management of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of NMU named after O.O. Bogomoletsa, Kyiv, Ukraine candidate of legal sciences, lawyer , Ukraine



ocal self-government, executive committee of the local self-government body, territorial community, united territorial community, legal responsibility, offense, illegal act, subject of offense, interaction of local self-government bodies and local executive bodies.


his article reveals directions for improving the local self-government institute in Ukraine.
The areas of improvement of the local self-government institute in Ukraine are singled out: 1) liquidation of local administrations, and formation of the institute of prefects; 2) development of cross-border cooperation of territorial communities and united territorial communities; 3) international cooperation, exchange of experience and implementation of joint international projects; 4) improving the qualifications of employees of local self-government bodies; 5) monitoring the results of the activities of local self-government bodies and evaluating the results of the activities of council deputies and the council itself by introducing a rating of council deputies; 6) ensuring digitization of information collection and processing processes between different levels of local self-government bodies; 7) ensuring accessibility of territorial community residents to public information about the activities of the local self-government body, as well as participatory planning of territorial community development programs; 8) creation of a favorable investment climate, which will make it possible to attract private investments in local development; 9) implementation of regional deurbanization policy; 10) creation of opportunities to provide greater and faster access to receiving administrative services through TsNAPy; 11) application of the reorientation method of municipal management; 12) promote civic education to increase the level of population participation in local self-government.


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