Historical foundations of the formation and development of judicial people’s power in the world


  • Veronika Berch Candidate of Juridical Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and comparative jurisprudence Faculty of Law, «Uzhgorod National University», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3837-4724




judicial people’s power, judicial power, civil society, rule of law


It is established that the development of judicial democracy worldwide is an exceptionally intriguing and relevant topic, as it signifies the gradual transformation of political systems towards increased citizen participation and influence in governance processes. From modern democratic societies to historical events of the past, the development of judicial democracy unveils numerous compelling aspects related to human rights, the principles of the rule of law, and the dynamics of power relations.

The analysis of the development of judicial democracy worldwide becomes a genuinely relevant and important task for understanding contemporary social and political dynamics, as well as for devising effective strategies to ensure justice and protect human rights.

The aim of the work is is to analyze the historical foundations of the formation and development of judicial people’s power in the world.

The methodological basis of the study is an empirical method, methods of diachronic and synchronous analysis in a historical context.

Results. The development of judicial democracy in the world can be periodized as follows: ancient times and ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages and the modern era, the revolutionary period, the 19th to the early 20th century, and the present day. As of today, jury courts operate in many countries worldwide. They handle a variety of cases, including criminal, civil, and administrative ones. In many European countries, jury courts are used to adjudicate serious criminal cases, where the verdict can be quite severe.

Conclusions. The jury system continues to evolve and adapt to contemporary challenges. In many countries, the emphasis is placed on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all citizens participating in legal proceedings. Technological innovations also enable a more accessible and efficient process for case adjudication.

The jury trial is an integral part of the judicial systems in many countries worldwide. It has evolved over centuries, remaining a crucial mechanism for ensuring justice. The modern jury system reflects democratic values and guarantees citizen participation in legal processes, contributing to the preservation of justice and equality under the law.


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